Ok...we've entered the land of potty training. It's going REALLY well. Jack has successfully made it a few times in the car to and from Mimi and Pop's house without an accident. Yesterday went out without a hitch, so I decided "why not?" today.
It was an early morning for us--cholesterol clinic day. I got Jack up and he used the potty. So far, so good. I withheld his normal morning sippy cup of milk. Smart, I thought. We loaded up in the car. Two minutes from home, he yelled, "Potty! Potty!". I pulled over in a church parking lot, of all places. I popped open the hatch on the wagon, set the potty in, and he did his thing. Ok. I can deal with this, I am thinking.
Five miles later, "Potty! Potty!". Pulled off the paved road onto a dirt road. Popped the hatch again and set up shop. Successful, except for the eighteen mosquito bites I got while hanging out by the cornfield. Pretty full morning...and all before 6:30am! For the record, on a normal day, it's only a 20 minute commute!