Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Perfect Afternoon in the Sandbox

Somedays I feel like my child is being controlled by a monster.  This was one of these days.  He appeared to wake up on the wrong side of the bed and it went downhill from there.  Right now, for those of you who don't have 2 year olds living in your house, you probably wouldn't even know this stage exists, we are in the "loud phase".  We only know one volume:  earsplitting.

Sometime between 5am and 3:30pm (after a nap, of course) he morphed into this delightful child, one who I wanted to spend time with.  After getting home this afternoon, we went outside and he played in his sandbox for an hour.  He was content and happy, and I was a satisfied Mommy.  This hour on a random Thursday afternoon was the most rewarding that I've had in a while.  He played, I read a magazine beside the sandbox, and we chatted every so often about life.  The weather was perfect and so was my company!

1 comment:

Matt and Bethany said...

I know all too well about those days... she is a little terror until she has had her much needed nap, and then she is the best kid in the world! We'll see what happens when we throw in a second child!!